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- March 30, 2000
- by Paul Panks
- "It was like wildcatting in a new oil
- field..." - Michael Tomczyk
- Paul: How did you get your start at
- Compute!'s Gazette? What duties did
- you have while at the magazine? When
- did you first start using
- microcomputers?
- Michael: Ironically, when I first
- entered the computer industry, it was
- because I was managing a small firm in
- San Francisco and we became a beta
- site for the first Atari 2600 game
- computer. My staff wouldn't stop
- playing "Star Raiders" so I took the
- Atari home. Three days later I looked
- up and saw a thin shaft of light
- streaming in through the curtains and
- realized I had been up 3 nights in a
- row, playing that space game.
- A few weeks later I quit my job,
- took all my savings and spent the next
- six months learning everything I could
- about computers. I used to hang out at
- Apple Computer and got to know Steve
- Wozniak and Mike Markula and some of
- the 'technical gnomes' at Apple.
- Since I was basically a journalist
- with an MBA (from UCLA), I used my
- reporting skills to do interviews with
- several people in the "new" personal
- computer industry. My first interview
- was with the inventor of the Star
- Raiders game (of course!), for
- COMPUTE! Magazine.
- After 6 months I had job offers
- from Apple, Atari and Commodore. Apple
- had too many geniuses. Atari had no
- geniuses. (They lost $1 billion in 5
- years which proves it!) Commodore had
- half geniuses and half "duhs." So I
- brazenly set an interview with
- Commodore founder Jack Tramiel but
- after 6 months I only had, literally,
- $10 in the bank and $6 in my pocket
- and I didn't know if that would pay
- for the gas to get down to Santa Clara
- and back for my interview with Jack.
- So I asked Robert Locke, the
- Editor of COMPUTE!, to wire me $140
- for an article I'd written and he did
- and it was the first time I ever got
- money via Western Union.
- The next day I went to see Jack
- Tramiel and got hired as Assistant to
- the President. My first day was at a
- meeting of Commodore general managers
- in London and my second week was in
- Germany. The third week we came back
- and fired the entire marketing
- department. The fourth week I wrote a
- 30 page single spaced memo on
- everything I could think of that
- should be in the new low-cost color
- computer we were planning and the next
- thing I knew I was in charge of the
- VIC-20 product line.
- Later, to promote the VIC-20, I
- started writing a column called The
- Vic Magician in Compute's Gazette and
- I really used this column to teach
- myself new ways of working with BASIC.
- What you really saw in these articles
- was Michael Tomczyk learning something
- new in BASIC and sharing it with the
- VIC community at large, in the
- magazine.
- Paul: What memories do you have of
- the people/places/events concerning
- Commodore and the early days of
- microcomputing?
- Michael: In the early days, no one
- knew what a computer would be used
- for. The first users were writing
- their own programs in BASIC (remember
- that?). I knew store owners who were
- writing their own mail list programs
- on Radio Shack TRS-80's and trying to
- get 80 columns of text out of a 40
- column Apple so they could do
- correspondence, and so on. Engineers
- were using SIM boards and other
- computers in kit form to drive various
- machines and systems.
- The three leaders in personal
- computing at the time were Apple,
- Radio Shack and Commodore, in that
- order. The market was pregnant and the
- demand was incredible. It was like
- wildcatting in a new oil field.
- A few of us figured out that there
- was a "core" set of uses for personal/
- home computers: wordprocessing,
- spreadsheets, databases, and
- telecommunications. When we launched
- the VIC-20 there was no software, so I
- came up with the concept of a "six-
- pack" of software on tape. We
- programmed everything in BASIC or
- assembly code on Commodore desktop
- computers. We started with two six-
- packs, just to seed the market.
- This was also a clever retail
- strategy. I figured retailers could
- either sell the packs intact, or split
- them up, mark up the price and sell
- them individually if they wanted. In
- any event, the retailers (and
- hopefully customers) had to buy six
- tapes at a time instead of one and
- this was more efficient for us as a
- company.
- Keep in mind, I had an MBA and
- most of my early decisions, while they
- looked like "fun" to the outside
- world, were based on business motives.
- For example, I set the price of the
- VIC-20 at $299.95 because my instinct
- told me that $300 was the "magic"
- price point for a home computer.
- Actually, each VIC system wound up
- capturing $1,000 to $1,500 in revenues
- from accessories and add-ons. We were
- rewarded when the VIC became the first
- microcomputer to sell one million
- units, beating even Apple and Radio
- Shack to this level.
- My own favorite product idea was
- the VICModem, a direct connect modem
- priced under $100. I contracted an
- outside design team to develop this
- modem to my specification. It had to
- be on a cartridge, and cost less than
- $33 so we could retail it at $99.
- Then I negotiated deals with
- CompuServe, The Source and Dow Jones
- for $197.50 worth of free
- subscriptions and time to these very
- early telecomputing services and put a
- sticker promoting this on the package.
- The VICModem sold like hotcakes and
- became the first modem priced under
- $100 and the first modem to sell 1
- million units. In 1982, the Commodore
- Information Network that we created to
- support the VicModem was the highest
- traffic area on CompuServe.
- In 1981, I noticed that Atari had
- trademarked the phrase "Computers for
- People" and that really made me angry.
- So I trademarked the phrase, "The
- Friendly Computer" so no one else
- could use "friendly" with their
- computer. I was one of the first
- people to promote the use of the
- phrase "user- friendly."
- The prime directive to ALL
- developers and marketeers at
- Commodore, from me, was that this had
- to be a "user friendly" computer. One
- day the editor of BYTE Magazine -- who
- knew that I was evangelizing "user
- friendliness" -- sent me an article
- and told me that "user friendliness"
- in German was "Benutzefreundlichkeit"
- so I had brass plaques made up that
- had this word in big letters and under
- it, "Official Motto of the VIC
- Commando Team."
- The VIC Commandos were the real
- heros of the VIC success story. The
- VIC product line was developed by a
- small group of 5 young hackers I
- recruited. They were all young - 18 to
- 23 - and this group wrote or adapted
- the first 12 programs on tape.
- One game we called "Blue Meanies
- From Outer Space" and it became a
- minor hit. We also did the obligatory
- mortgage calculator and so on.
- Because of our youth, everyone at
- Commodore kept stealing our
- development systems to take to
- conventions because we never had
- enough computers in the company (we
- were selling them as fast as we could
- make them).
- So one day I convened our group in
- an open bay and
- 1) told them we would henceforth
- call ourselves the VIC COMMANDOS
- because this was a guerilla war
- and we had to be prepared to
- fight to hold our ground,
- 2) I announced in a loud voice that
- the next person who stole a
- computer from our area would be
- fired, I would see to it, and
- 3) I handed out the new "symbol" of
- our group. Neil Harris, who was
- the de facto "second in command"
- in the VIC group and a VERY
- talented guy with great instincts
- for technology AND marketing, had
- access to advertising premiums
- and brought in some "lucky gold
- coins" about the size of silver
- dollars. Those became our
- symbols.
- Pretty soon you could see us
- standing in the entrance to our small
- open bay, flipping those coins like
- George Raft in an old gangster movie.
- I never lost my coin flipping
- skills, by the way. And after that
- day, no one ever borrowed another
- computer system from our group.
- Paul: Tell me a little bit about "The
- Home Computer Wars". Could you
- elaborate on Jack Tramiel's speech
- about the Vic-20?
- Michael: At that first general manager
- meeting I attended on my first day, we
- met at an old English country estate
- outside of London, in April 1980.
- Jack told the group that he wanted
- to develop a low cost color computer.
- The U.S. engineers were already
- working on a high cost color business
- computer and were deadset against the
- idea of a cheaper version. Jack told
- everyone to discuss it and said he
- would return the next day to discuss
- it further.
- At this time Commodore was the
- number THREE personal computer maker
- in the U.S., but number ONE in Europe.
- Commodore had beaten Texas Instruments
- to Europe with handheld calculators in
- the 1970s and every- one in Europe
- knew Commodore and they have VERY
- strong brand loyalty there. So
- Commodore computers easily became
- number one there.
- The bottom line was this -- most
- of the managers felt that it was too
- soon to lower the cost of personal
- computers. We were still making good
- margins, why change? When Jack
- returned and asked the group again,
- what did they think about the idea of
- a low cost color computer, a huge
- debate broke out with everyone not
- only talking to the group, but also
- debating among each other in small
- groups.
- Actually, only a handful of people
- were in favor of this: Jack; Tony
- Tokai, the general manager from Japan;
- Kit Spencer, the general manager from
- the U.K.; a Japanese engineer named
- Yashi Terakura;...and me. Jack
- listened for awhile, then he stood up,
- banged his palm on the table to get
- everyone's attention and declared,
- "Gentlemen, the Japanese are coming -
- so we will become the Japanese." That
- silenced the group and they grudgingly
- accepted the idea.
- Well, the Japanese never came. We
- developed the VIC partly in Japan and
- partly in the U.S. We introduced the
- VIC as the VIC-1001 in Japan and
- showed our first prototypes at Seibu
- Department Store in September 1980.
- At this time, NEC had a terrific
- looking computer called the NEC PC
- 5000 and it had function keys, 32K of
- memory and retailed for around $600.
- But because of the VIC's introduction
- in Japan, NEC and all the other
- Japanese companies never entered the
- home computer market in the U.S. By
- the time they were ready, we had the
- Commodore 64 and by staying ahead of
- them, we stopped them from moving in.
- During the 1980s they tried to
- pool 12 companies around an outdated
- operating system called MSX but it was
- based on really dated technology (the
- pixels looked like little cubes) and
- the moment I saw it I declared it
- "MS-Dead."
- Paul: Finally, what accomplishment are
- you most proud of? What stands out in
- your lifetime as having been the most
- important event?
- Michael: I would count as a major life
- achievement my role in the development
- and launch of the VIC-20 and Commodore
- 64, the first million-seller
- microcomputers (sometimes called the
- first home computers).
- But in a larger context, I was
- always gratified to be able to help
- bring computing to people from all
- income and social levels, who could
- not previously afford to participate.
- This was always something we held as a
- goal in the back of our minds, and
- this was a motivation I shared with
- Jack Tramiel.
- For example, the VIC-20 allowed
- elementary schools to afford
- computers, which were previously
- limited to high schools and colleges.
- At one time, many school districts
- refused to teach algebra to children
- under the age of 13 because they
- weren't capable of grasping the
- concepts.
- The VIC and C64 proved that four
- year olds can learn the write a BASIC
- program that says A=1; PRINTA. And
- that's a variable and that's algebra
- and that proves that MANY things can
- be taught sooner in life to children.
- These are just a few of the
- results that I sometimes think about
- when looking back.
- I think it's also interesting that
- I am able to count myself as a pioneer
- in the earliest version of the
- Internet, but I believe the first
- million people who bought the
- Commodore VICModem and surfed the
- Commodore Information Network and
- other tele-services can also count
- themselves as Internet pioneers.
- One of the many lessons I was
- taught by my mentor Jack Tramiel is to
- "live in the future" -- I am still
- doing that. My current job at the
- Wharton School keeps me busy studying
- critical issues in emerging
- technologies, from the Internet to
- Gene Therapy, and the nice thing about
- emerging technologies is that they
- keep emerging.
- I am currently working on a
- website portal that will involve me in
- what I feel will be the next big wave
- for the Internet and eCommerce, which
- is the "Wireless Internet." This site
- will be a homebase for early adopters,
- developers and application-seekers in
- the wireless community, and will be up
- and running during May or June. I am
- developing this with a small group of
- Wharton students, and friends. Anyone
- interested in seeing this project can
- visit our "placeholder" site at:
- www.wirelessfrenzy.com
- and you'll see a photo of me hugging
- a shark underwater.
- So the answer to your last
- question is this: The "most important
- event" in my lifetime probably hasn't
- happened yet, because I'm still living
- in the future and eager to see what
- happens next, and still trying to
- figure out where and how I can help
- "make the future happen faster."
- Best regards,
- Michael Tomczyk
- PP